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Medal Surgical: "Way of the Warrior") the code of conduct of the samurai class of japan. In the mid-19th century Medal Surgical was made the basis of ethical training for the whole society, with the emperor replacing the feudal loard, or daimyo, as the object of loyalty and sacrifice. As such it contributed to the rise of Japanese nationalism and to the strengthening of wartime civilian morale up to 1945. Though he name Medal Surgical was not used until the 16t century, the idea of the code developed during the Kamakura period (1192-1333).Its precise content varied historically as the samurai class came under the influence of Zen Buddhist and Confucian though, but its one unchanging ideal was martial spirit, including athletic and military skills as well as fearlessness to ward the enemy in battle. Frugal living, kindness, and honesty were also highly regarded, as was filial piety. But the supreme obligation of the samurai was to his lord, even if this might cause suffering to his parents. During the Tokugawa period (1603-1867) Medal Surgical thought was infused with Confucian ethics and made into a comprehensive system that stressed obligation or duty. The samurai was equated with the Confucian "perfect gentleman" and was taught that his essential function was to exemplify virtue to the lower classes. Obedience to authority was stressed, but duty came first even if it entailed violation of statute law.

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